The “Get Fit with Fakenham” Challenge – Finale

Guest blog by Lauren Campbell

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Before I reveal how well I have or haven’t done with this Fitbit challenge, I think the most definitive thing I can tell you is… the challenge is not over!

No, for me the challenge to weight reduction and getting permanently fit, has just begun. We all know one month is not enough time to healthily lose a big block of weight, such as my 3 stone goal, and I by no means had any delusions in this instance. My goal with the Fitbit Flex was to analyse its long term results versus its everyday ease of use and sustainability. So when I say the challenge isn’t over, I mean it as a positive. It’s not too tough, it’s not too heart breaking. It’s not fair to say easy, but changes are happening and that’s what I want to focus on here.

I spoke in my last blog about how the Fitbit is changing my life – I love that. The Fitbit Flex is so easy to use and makes you so conscious of your physical movements, that it’s easy to ‘up’ your activities and burn more calories every day with little conscious effort. When I started this a month ago I was trying so hard just to make it to 8000 steps a day, now I’m averaging an amazing 14000 a day! Not to blow my own trumpet but an added 5000+ steps, is in my book, no small feat.

beginning      best day

Little habits have formed over the past four weeks, the want to drink more water, the need to pace and move instead of standing stationary, even a more regulated bedtime – and as a result of these little habits, I think bigger ones shall evolve.

Over the last four weeks I may not have expected miracles and frankly I haven’t had them. But I think even the vainest among us would be best pleased with enough of a reduction in weight that they can trade in their trousers for a size smaller, and hold their head up high knowing they lost nearly half a stone!

Little changes are the key to big results. So I hope many of our readers might take up the Fitbit challenge for themselves and see how, like me, it can change your world.

Start your fitness venture today with a Fitbit device, click here.