There’s a light at the end of the washing basket

For the last couple of weeks I’ve been testing large capacity washing machines. Yeah, pretty rock & roll, my lifestyle! With my usual scepticism, I was mildly distrusting of claims that some of today’s machines can do a 9kg load in less than 40 minutes! Turns out that the ole Trade Descriptions Act means that such claims are generally substantiated; I was able to do all of my laundry in half a day. And I watched Homes Under The Hammer in that time. So, I am that smug person with an air of ‘my laundry basket is empty’. Sadly His Nibs has been too busy demolishing Wonky Shed to keep on top of the ironing so I know at least one person who’s not too happy with my new ability to empty all the clothes from the basket in one go!

If I’m honest I’m not really too sure what 9kg looks like in terms of clothes but it’s basically the weight of 9 bags of sugar. Apparently it will wash 45 shirts, but we don’t own that many between us so I couldn’t test that specific claim out. What we lack in shirts, however, we more than make up in pants, tops & jeans. Thing 1 & Thing 2 can go from clean ‘n pristine to covered in mud in 1.089 seconds (if that ever becomes an Olympic event, those boys have double gold in the bag.)

As well as the ability to become proper bogging they are also small boys: a little bit grubby, a little bit running, jumping and bouncing ‘til sweaty and a little bit sleeve-in-jam. This means that there are times where their clothes aren’t filthy (hallelujah), just in need of freshening up. As a family we are pretty pants (ha ha) for wearing things once and then chucking them in the laundry basket. Many machines now feature a Quick Wash or Freshen Up cycle, many of which will do a full load in 40 minutes! Most machines will now automatically detect smaller or half loads so don’t make yourself look demented by asking, for instance, a three year old boy where the bloody heck the half-load button is *face palm*
Oh, and always, always use the timer to set it to finish a few short minutes after your own His / her Nibs arrives home and then you can avoid hanging out the 50 billion wash! Or get a tumble dryer and pray for rain.

Now, I must go to add to the ironing mountain but if you feel like you spend forever washing clothes then check out our full range of washing machines and go large!

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