Star spotting in Ely



Apologies to visitors to our Ely store today as I’m writing whilst anxiously staring out of the window.  You know the saying “You should never meet your heroes”?  Nonsense, I have never understood that.  Sure, you may discover that they’re completely insufferable gits, make an utter idiot of yourself (always in the realms of possibility for me) or be rendered mute (unlikely) but, no matter how brief, you were there with one of your idols.

Since the age of 15 (not that long ago, kinda), when I first saw an episode of Whose LIne Is It Anyway?, I have been an avid fan of Paul Merton.  Not stalking-avid, just normal avid; there are degrees of avidness, it seems.  His deadpan, often surreal wit always appealed to me and this hasn’t changed over the years so can you imagine how excited I am that he’s (somewhere) here in Ely tonight!

Promoting his new autobiography (which I don’t own, dear husband, *cough, cough, splutter*,much like those boots I really, really like) Only When I Laugh, Paul will be appearing at the The Octagon, Ely Cathedral tonight.  And somewhere, in that crowd of fans, will be a starstruck lass, making an utter fool of herself.  Do say hello!